February 6th - International Zero Tolerance Campaign on FGM in Simanjiro, Manyara
NAFGEM Tanzania in collaboration with the Simanjiro District Council commemorated the International Zero Tolerance Day in Narosoito village.
Several events took place including
- handing over of a maize milling machine donated by the Rotary Club of Louis De Geer in Norrkoping/Sweden to 20 ex-female circumcisers for use as alternative income,
- parading with songs and banners with messages against FGM and child marriages,
- declarations from male traditional leaders for the community to stop such practices,
- dances, drama and poems with anti-FGM and child marriage messages.
A strong speech from the guest of Honour the District Administrative Secretary on behalf of the Honourable District Commissioner concluded the event by reiterating the governments’ position in ensuring the girl child is protected and enjoys her human rights.
All parents and community members were challenges to remain vigilant in making sure such criminal practices are eliminated at all levels.
Please have a look at our detailed report which you can read and download from here.