Safe Shelter Services
Currently, there are two safe shelters for women and girls at Orkesumet town and Lekrimuni village. Both shelters are able to accommodate up to 100 girls and women. Apart from offering temporary shelter for survivors of FGM and child marriage, they also serve various other purposes in the protection and empowerment of women and girls.
The Lekrimuni Safe Shelter is also a day care centre with 3 classrooms where both boys and girls under the age of 6 can learn and interact with each other during class. Moreover, NAFGEM uses this as an opportunity to meet with parents and guardians to discuss child protection issues, including abandoning the practice of FGM.
The shelters are central to the coordination of local girls’ protection services that work among the communities. The girls’ protection groups in each village communicate with the Protection Team at the shelter to ensure a prompt response to any potential threat of violence against the girls. The shelters also network with teachers and local government leaders to gather any information on the consistency of school attendance among the girls to determine the need for appropriate action.
Girls in boarding schools who feel unable to go home during vacation for fear of being cut or forced to marry are sheltered at these centers. However, from time to time they are sent home to stay with their families to share their experiences of school and what they have learnt with their community.