Where We Work

About us

Where We Work

Since our founding in 1998, NAFGEM has worked in the Kilimanjaro and Manyara regions where the traditional practices of FGM and child marriage are highly prevalent.

Nationally, 14.6% of Tanzania’s female population has undergone FGM. However, the issue disproportionately affects specific areas and ethnic groups. Nearly 71% of women in the Manyara region and 21% of women in the Kilimanjaro region have undergone FGM. The Masaai, Wa-Arusha, Meru, Chaggas in Kibosho and Rombo, and some groups in Mwanga and Same still practice FGM and child marriage for ritual purposes. NAFGEM Tanzania currently covers Moshi rural, Siha, Simanjiro, Hai, Rombo, Mwanga, Same, Kiteto, Mbulu, Babati, and Hanang districts and aims to extend to other parts of Tanzania where the practice still exists.

It is important to note that due to the process of globalization, the practice has been exported around the world. As a result, even countries without a history of FGM are no longer immune to this human rights issue. In the United States and Europe, recent reports have shown increasing numbers of FGM victims and women at risk of FGM.

Contact us

NAFGEM Tanzania is located in Shanty Town - Moshi City

  • dummy (+255 ) 272 755 652

  • dummy mail@nafgemtanzania.or.tz



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