About us

About NAFGEM Tanzania

The Network against Female Genital Mutilation (NAFGEM) is an association of individuals, groups, institutions and other NGOs dedicated to ending female genital mutilation (FGM) and other harmful traditions towards women in Tanzania. Our main focus is to raise awareness among grass-root communities, where these customs are still being practiced, through holding educational seminars, training workshops, and sensitization and awareness campaigns at various community events. Through educating these communities about the serious effects of FGM, we aim to empower women and young girls to put an end to this practice.

We currently have three safe-shelters and day-care centres for girls who have run away from their families to avoid FGM or early forced marriages. These centres aim to provide a safe place for young girls, where we continue to support their education and help them learn other important life skills. They are located in Lekrimuni and Mikocheni, with another centre currently under construction in Simanjiro. We are also looking to develop another centre in Mwanga district, where we have acquired 10 acres of land.

Vision - Mission - Strategic Directions


In 1998, a small group of female human rights activists united to discuss the broad issue of FGM in Tanzania. The outcome of this meeting was the establishment of the Network Against Female Genital Mutilation (NAFGEM). The group was officially recognized as a non-governmental organization in 1999 by the government of Tanzania. Since then, NAFGEM has been committed to ending FGM, child marriage, early pregnancy, and gender-based violence. Our main activities include increasing community awareness through seminars, training, workshops and awareness campaigns.

When NAFGEM began interventions in Kilimanjaro in 1998, the FGM prevalence rate was 35%. The trend has shown a continuous reduction from 25% in 2005 to 21.7% in 2010, according to the Tanzania Demographic Health Survey Report. Although the initial prevalence rate of FGM in the Manyara region was staggeringly high at 81% in 2007, after NAFGEM’s interventions, the rate has decreased to 70.8% in 2010, showing progress towards the elimination of the practice. Today, NAFGEM continues to explore other avenues of prevention such as women’s economic empowerment projects and supporting girls’ education.

Contact us

NAFGEM Tanzania is located in Shanty Town - Moshi City

  • dummy (+255 ) 272 755 652

  • dummy mail@nafgemtanzania.or.tz



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