Socio-economic empowerment

About us

Socio-economic empowerment for women

The existing gender imbalance between men and women in communities served by NAFGEM continues to determine the socio-economic status of women. Women lack agency and representation in their communities and are thus unable to influence decision-making in their communities, leaving them dependent on men and at increased risk of violence, child marriage and FGM.

Many women own little to nothing as most of the family wealth is owned by men who decide how and when to use the family's resources. Most women do not have access to financial resources limiting their access to health care and other social services and increasing the likelihood of abuse and health problems.

NAFGEM is currently supporting 40 women to produce soap and bracelets to generate an income and provide them with some financial independence and security. Through this, each woman can earn the equivalent of at least 50 USD (Tshs 80,000/=) per month. With these funds, these women can now invest in their daughters' education and facililate their protection from FGM and child marriage. Moreover, the production of soap and bracelets brings together women from the local communities, creating a safe space for them to share their stories, confide in one another and discuss any issues or concerns. Consequently, the program also provides psychosocial support and promotes postive self esteem. 

Contact us

NAFGEM Tanzania is located in Shanty Town - Moshi City

  • dummy (+255 ) 272 755 652

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